Babywearing: local and online resources
Categories: babies, parenting, postpartumTags: travel, toddler, baby, babywearing, tula, beco, sakura bloom, boba, onya
July 30, 2015
author: Jeanette Mesite Frem
It's been busy over at Babies in Common. Expectant parents. Babies. New parents. Massage. Cookies. Toddlers. But something changed recently. I asked Button Tree Kids in Worcester to take over the responsibility of being the babywearing hub of Central Massachusetts! I still have Tula Ring Slings, Sakura Bloom Ring Slings and Boba Wraps if anyone needs them, but otherwise, let Button Tree Kids be your resource!
Why? Because why not go somewhere that is actually a store which focuses on gear, games, toys and clothes for babies and kids? AND you don't have to make an appointment because they are actually open normal business hours (although this summer they are open just four days but hey, that includes Saturday til 2:00!). And to entice you a little more to go check it out, there's a coupon for you below! But hurry, it's only valid until the end of August.
Make sure to go to the Button Tree Kids Facebook page and "like" it!
Plus, there are great resources in addition to Babies in Common and Button Tree when it comes to babywearing.
- Check out the Facebook page for the Central Mass Babywearers, a group started by BinC mamas!
- Find out why the "dangley" baby/child carriers are NOT good for you or your baby by reading this article by the International Hip Dysplasia Institute.
- Babywearing International is an excellent resource, especially if you move into the more advanced babywearing with woven wraps!