You are expecting and want to get some prenatal education in-person on latching and positions.
You have a baby and you just wish you had some tips and techniques to help you get a more comfortable latch and try some different positions, too!
If you relate with any of the above or just want to practice latching with realistic dolls and breast models, or you want to have your baby's latch looked at, meet some other people, and learn more about nursing, then Latch Class is for you!
Latch Class isn't a typical support group (although those are amazing), this is more hands-on, more in-depth about latching.
Latch Class includes:
- specific strategies to latch your baby in optimal ways,
- tips for nursing in optimal comfort,
- hands-on help from an IBCLC (this is why a consent form is required in advance for participants who are attending with a baby)
- information on how to have nipples that feel amazing,
- practice moving your body and your baby into other positions for nursing,
- time for you to ask general questions about breastfeeding/chestfeeding and lactation, and
- meeting other people who are nursing their babies or expecting babies...
Is this a feeding consultation?
Please note this event will NOT AT ALL be a full consultation about nursing/breastfeeding/chestfeeding. NOR is it a full prenatal breastfeeding class (we have those, too!). While we may mention some strategies for various concerns re latching, positioning and comfort in general, we cannot offer more in-depth recommendations about milk supply, pumping, weight gain concerns, etc. If you have these concerns or others, it’s important to have a separate consultation with an IBCLC to discuss a customized plan for any feeding concerns beyond the latching and positioning we’ll cover during this group latch class.
Note that if, despite the strategies we work on during this clinic, you are still experiencing discomfort or damage with nursing, we’ll recommend a private consultation with one of the Babies in Common IBCLCs or another IBCLC in private practice, as a more in-depth assessment would be warranted.
What if you are shy about nursing in public?
If you are shy, feel free to bring a nursing cover/light baby blanket, but you’ll want to be comfortable to have the IBCLC leading the session be close to you/touching you as she helps you (and be able to see your baby’s latch). There are also some areas in the room where you can sit whether others won't be able to see you. You do NOT need to use a cover, but you are welcome to do so, if that makes you feel more comfortable.
What should participants bring?
If you are expecting, just bring yourself.
If you are bringing your baby, bring a large baby blanket. Attendees will be sitting on comfy floor chairs, although we’d also like to help you practice side-lying nursing for those who are interested, so having an extra baby blanket with you is helpful. If you’d like to bring a nursing pillow or any other type of pillow with you, please feel free to do that, although we’ll also be showing you positions where you will NOT need a pillow. If you are bringing a baby, you'll need to sign a consent form, as well, to have hands-on help.
What if you are using bottles to supplement your baby?
If you are already supplementing your baby with milk or formula, please bring extra milk/formula and a bottle ready to feed your baby in case nursing your baby becomes frustrating for you or your baby. We will then encourage you to feed your baby an ounce or two and then we can try latching your baby to your body again, after baby calms down/isn’t so hungry.
Does Health Insurance Reimburse for this?
After this event, you will be provided (via email) with a Superbill, which you can use to submit to your health insurance (some will reimburse). However, we cannot guarantee reimbursement, but your health insurance MAY reimburse for this event, as it is considered breastfeeding counseling, which is part of the Affordable Care Act. If your health insurance does reimburse for this, however, it MAY reduce the number of lactation/breastfeeding counseling visits your insurance will reimburse you for. Several insurance companies in Massachusetts reimburse for unlimited sessions, others may have a limit (six is a common number for those that have a limit), and some won't reimburse for any sessions, anyway. Please contact your health insurance and ask them what the REIMBURSE (do NOT use the word "cover") related to lactation and breastfeeding counseling. If they say nothing or "only with an in-network provider", then demand to speak to a manager. Additionally, if they say "an in-network provider", then ask them for a list of providers who are IBCLCs that ARE in-network with them. If you have Cigna insurance, we can bill for this session and can reimburse you once we are paid by Cigna. Starting mid-March, we will also be able to bill United HealthCare.
On MassHealth as your primary insurance? Use the code MASSHEALTHAPPT for a 50% discount (only if MH is your primary insurance). MassHealth will NOT reimburse, so a Superbill will not be provided.
6 Maple Street, Northborough, MA
(our office, on the first floor)
With whom
Jeanette Mesite Frem, IBCLC
Jeanette’s colleague, Chere Jalali, IBCLC, may also be there.
Sunday, March 2, 4:00 - 5:30 pm (but be flexible to stay an extra 1/2 hour if people have more questions or you want to linger and chat with other participants).
$34.00 per pregnant/lactating person (includes 1 partner or non-pregnant support person attending with you)
Registration online, along with payment, is required in advance. Minimum number of attendees to run this event is 3, maximum is 9, at this time.
This is a 1.5 hour main event, but allow some extra time for yourself after the event ends to linger and chat with others, or nurse your baby one more time before you leave.
MassHealth Subscribers
50% discount for parents on MassHealth as their primary insurance. Use the code MASSHEALTHAPPT when you register, and then send a photo of your MassHealth card to
A consent form will need to be signed and a short questionnaire will also need to be completed online during your registration for this event.
To complete that Consent Form, click here.