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One-day, In-person Pumping and Feeding Gear Workshop

If you are a someone who works with families who are feeding babies, then you've seen (and heard about) about different bottles, pumps, flanges, nipple shields, alternative feeding products and more...there are always new things coming on the market and it's hard to keep up.  You may have also heard about the "new" concept in "going smaller" with flanges. 

We all provide more comprehensive care when we are confident about how the items on the market work (or don't work as well as others).  During this workshop, we will talk about what products are out there, how to use them and why you might lean toward one or another (or not).  And we will talk about how to talk about them with our clients!

Now there's a workshop that will explore various breast pumps, flange sizes/shapes/materials, bottles and other feeding-related gear.
Explore new ideas about flange sizes, different materials of flanges and flange inserts (which aren't as simple and effective as they may seem).  You'll learn why and how to do an effective flange fitting consultation, we'll talk about passive pumps and milk-catchers, the new pumps on the market (including wearables). You'll see the differences between bottles (hint: it's NOT just about the shape of the nipple and the flow rate), pacifiers and more.  And gain access to videos, resources and a community of colleagues so you can really delve into these topics after the workshop and keep learning.

What is the Pumping & Feeding Gear Workshop?

This in-person workshop provides infant feeding professionals with information, tools and techniques they want to have so they can provide practical support to families who are pumping and/or feeding infants.  While no workshop could possibly have every product on the market--although your instructor prides herself on having MOST of the pumps and feeding-related products on the market--this workshop WILL have MANY for you to see and many will be demonstrated.  And, as it's a workshop format, participants will be encouraged to ask questions and share what they know and have experienced in their work with families related to pumping and feeding gear.  Participants will also be asked to BRING some items with them (more on that after you register). 

This workshop/course is led by Jeanette Mesite Frem, MHS, IBCLC, RLC, CCE of Babies in Common, who is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and experienced childbirth educator.  Jeanette is the creator of the popular Flange FITS™ Guide and does flange fittings and pumping sessions with most of her clients as well as many bottlefeeding sessions and consultations about bottle challenges.  She's collected and used many pumps, bottles and other gear in her practice and is is experienced with virtual consultations and using props for teaching parents and will utilize those skills during this online workshop. 

Jeanette is also the co-author of the recent research study published 11/30/25 in the Journal of Human Lactation (online, open access), Flange Size Matters: A Comparative Pilot Study of the Flange FITS™ Guide Versus Traditional Sizing Methods. 

Approved by IBLCE for 7 L-CERPs. 
After attending the workshop, participants are eligible for additional CERPs, you'll learn more about that at the workshop.
Monday, May 5, 2025
8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Denver, Colorado

More locations coming soon!  If you are interested in hosting a workshop, email to enquire about what hosting entails!

Already attended this workshop online?
If you already attended the 4-hour live or on-demand workshop/course online, please email to get a discount code.
A few partial scholarships are available per event for BIPOC-identifying IBCLCs or
IBCLCs who primarily serve low-income communities. Email to inquire.
Coffee/tea will be provided throughout the day and some snacks throughout the day, as well. 
For lunch, bring your own lunch or go out and grab lunch nearby. 
Contact with any questions.


    • an invitation to join an active private Facebook group just for workshop attendees to discuss pumping and feeding gear in the future as issues with your clients come up and as new products come out, includes occasional Facebook Live events to demonstrate and discuss new products that come onto the market
    • invitations to occasional Zoom events where you can connect with colleagues about implementing this information into your practice
    • private access to many additional resources and videos (including several hours of pre-recorded videos you can watch at your own leisure and continued to access to them--including any that are added in the future).  Additional CERPs is also available for these resources, for a nominal fee.

IBCLE Detailed Content Outline 
areas this workshop covers

I. Development and Nutrition
    B. Maternal
        6. Nipple structure and variations
II. Physiology and Endocrinology
    B. Endocrinology
        1. Hormonal influence of milk production
III. Pathology
     B. Maternal
         9. Nipple pain and trauma
VI. Techniques
     E. Milk expression (e.g. pumping, hand expression, leakage)
VII. Clinical Skills
     A. Equipment and Technology
          1. Feeding devices (e.g. tubes at breast, cups, syringes, teats, paladai)
           3. Nipple devices (e.g., shields, everters)
           4. Dummies (pacifiers)
           5. Pumps
     B. Education and Communication
           4. Educating mothers and families


Touch the products, work with them and observe and work with real parents as they pump and you help them with flange fittings.  Play with  pumps, flanges, catchers and pullers, nipple shields, supplemental feeders, bottles, cups and and more!

After the workshop, you'll get full access to additional videos and resources, including a community of colleagues so you can really delve into these topics after the workshop and keep learning.

  • What will be presented and discussed?

    • Passive pumps, milk catchers and other breast care products that may help (or hinder) 
    • The many different types of pumps, brands, new, old, suction strength, speeds...
    • 45+ different types and sizes of flanges (also known as pump breast shields) that we can discuss and you'll see some demonstrated
    • Why the traditional recommendations for flange fittings are no longer what many us recommend for our clients (and the history of why those "old" recommendations were even created)
    • How to do an effective flange fitting with a client (including real parents pumping while YOU help them)
    • Many electric pumps and several manual pumps 
    • Bottles why some might be preferred by feeding professionals over others--bottle shape, nipple shape, nipple material and flow rates?  
    • What gear you can consider purchasing, where to get it and how to pay for it.

We've all been there...

"what is this new contraption?"     
"how exactly does this pump work?"    
"how can I be sure this is the right size flange for this parent?"  
"what IS the best bottle for THIS baby?"  
"what do we do about elastic nipples"  
"do we go for a bigger flange or smaller?"

Testimonials from Participants

"It's not often I take a course that completely changes something about my practice.  This was one of them.  Mind. Blown.  Everything I thought I knew about flange sizing was wrong.  I was able to take the information from this course and immediately use it to benefit my clients, and I am so grateful.  I want to shout from the rooftops that every IBCLC encountering a pumping mom should be taking this course, so we can help moms get MORE MILK comfortably.  The video resources were amazing, and the additional coverage of various gear and equipment was great."
~ Jeanne Pichoff LOTR, IBCLC

"I just took Jeanette’s Pumping and Feeding Gear Workshop for IBCLCs and highly recommended it! It is one of the few courses (and I’ve taken a lot) where I was able to immediately use what I learned and it had a positive impact on my clients. I learned so many useful tips about flange fit, bottle types and pumps. If you haven’t taken this course yet, I highly recommend it."  ~ Tamar Winter, IBCLC

"Hands down Jeanette is a knowledgeable and inspiring educator who holds your attention during the 2-part Pumping & Feeding Gear workshop for IBCLCs. In this interactive and inclusive workshop, Jeanette shares current information coupled with a vast array of feeding and education related products, which makes this comprehensive workshop a must for both new and seasoned IBCLCs. ~ Roza Baghdassarian, IBCLC

"I really enjoyed Jeanette's workshop! I have been asking and waiting for a workshop like this for so many years, but no one would offer it. This 4 hour-workshop is so full of up-to-date information, with all kinds of new lactation tools on the market, including the most popular and the least favorite ones too. Jeanette's extensive experience with research and her clients, has helped create a wonderful database of knowledge in this field. I would highly recommend and actually encourage this workshop to anyone that works with the lactation dyad. I will definitely attend her workshop again, to keep up with any updates, in the future. You will be amazed, you will learn a lot, and you will have so much fun, too! - Milli S., IBCLC"

"I enjoyed your lightheartedness during the class. You are fun to watch and listen to." 

"Thank you SO MUCH for the workshop! It was really helpful in understanding all the products and accessories on the market." 

"Thank you for a great class. I am a newly practicing IBCLC and just starting to get my head around flange sizing." 

"I loved your class! I’m a veteran IBCLC and I still found multiple techniques and ideas you provided really helpful...Thanks for taking the time to create such a class. A class I didn't even realize I actually needed. But found incredibly beneficial." 


About Your Workshop Facilitator

Jeanette Mesite Frem, MHS, IBCLC, CCE is an experienced childbirth educator, IBCLC-lactation consultant and retired birth doula. She started her career working with families while serving as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Côte d'Ivoire, West Africa in the early 90s. She loved that work so much she went on to receive a public health masters degree from Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, focusing her studies on nutrition for maternal and child health. Her two children were breastfed for more than 2 years each and Jeanette has experience pumping at work for both children and has supported more than a thousand families with breastfeeding, chestfeeding, pumping, bottlefeeding, cupfeeding, tubefeeding, etc. over the years. 

Jeanette provides prenatal childbirth and breastfeeding classes at her office in Northborough, Massachusetts, as well as providing virtual feeding consultations as well as in her office. She also enjoys leading workshops for perinatal health professionals and mentoring those who work with families.  If you have questions, feel free to email

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