Get the badge buddy to wear while you are seeing clients. Does NOT come with a badge clip, as I know many people will attach this to their existing badge clip. That being said, given that there is a ruler on the badge to help you measure nipple tips (without touching the nipple), a retractible clip is strongly recommended (or hide it in your pocket or desk drawer without a clip). There are entire hospital lactation teams that are using these now, it's very exciting that flange fitting is getting more and more popular!
These will be shipped from me, personally, so if you order one or more, PLEASE PLEASE email me at to ensure I saw the order. Just being honest--I have a lot of apps I use for my work and sometimes I miss an alert. I also travel sometimes to teach workshops to lactation professionals (and sometimes for personal travel), but I will get it/them, to you as soon as possible!
Price $12 each, shipping included.