Breastfeeding Ready covers how to prepare for baby’s arrival, what to do immediately after birth to increase the likelihood of a good latch and plentiful milk supply, what to look for in the first few days and weeks to ensure all is going well and when to call for help. This class is currently offered as a live, interactive, online class OR an in-person class (in Northborough, MA).
This class is for anyone who plans to nurse/breastfeed/chestfeed/lactate/pump AND their partner or support person should attend as well--it may actually be more important for the partner/support person! Ideally, you'll be done with all prenatal classes by 36 weeks or so.
Please note: if you choose to register, you need to choose EITHER the live, interactive virtual class (via Zoom) OR the in-person class (none of which are at the same time).
What's included in class?
- the on-demand MythBusting mini-course (you'll receive this before the main in-person/live-online class via the Thinkific platform...if you don't see your invitation to the mini-course within a few days, please email
- the content of human milk and why it is powerful
- what to look for in pregnancy as signs your body is preparing to make milk
- hand expression of colostrum and milk: when, how and why
- how to start your nursing relationship off to the best start at birth
- hand expression of colostrum and milk: when, how and why
- how to get a deep latch and comfortable positions for feeding your baby
- treating engorgement
- what partners and others can do to help (including learning some massage techniques!)
- how to know when baby is getting enough
- how to prevent and treat some of the most common issues that come up in the early weeks of nursing a new baby like sore nipples, slow weight gain, low milk supply, tongue-tie, supplementation, normal newborn feeding cycles, bottlefeeding other alternative feeding methods
- when to call in a professional (and who to call)
- what you need and don't need (products)
- a quick demonstration of the use of a breastpump and discussion of milk storage
- what you can drink and eat while making milk
- getting safe sleep (and finding sleep) when you live with a nursing baby
- Improving milk production and breastfeeding with your baby through skin-on-skin time and playtime
- And participants will receive a link to a generous selection of “homework” materials/resources and access to your instructor after class if you have questions (immediately after class for more Q&A if you want to linger on the call or later via email).
Frequently Asked Questions (and Answers!)
When should I take prenatal classes?
Ideally, you'd start by week 28 and end around week 36. Of course, sometime we do have people who are finishing later than that, but those dates are the ideal. And ideally, people would sign up around week 15, to be sure your calendar is open enough to schedule your classes!
Are class fees per person or per couple?
Class fees are for one pregnant person and their non-pregnant birth partner (except for the CPR class, that one is per person).
What if the baby arrives early or I'm hospitalized due to preterm labor and miss a class?
If your baby arrives early, you'll be refunded based on which classes you have already taken. If you are hospitalized due to preterm labor but healthy enough to still participate in a virtual class, please do that. Otherwise, let us know and we'll refund you for the classes you are missing.
Who & How Much?
The fee is per couple. What is a "couple"? Typically, it's two people (one pregnant, one non-pregnant support person). As far as this class goes, if you are expecting a baby (giving birth, adopting or co-parenting and plan to breastfeed), this class is for you and one support person (partner, relative, friend) who will be helping you care for the baby after his/her arrival! HOWEVER, if you'd like have a grandparent-to-be along with you, please do (in addition to your partner/other support person).
This is a one-time class, 3-hour class (the in-person class is 3.5 hours and limited to 7 couples)
$90 per couple for the online class, $110 for the in-person class.
Upcoming Classes
choose one, either virtual or in-person, NOT both
2025 live, interactive and online classes
Tuesday, January 28
Wednesday, March 12
Wednesday, June 3
Wednesday, July 15
Tuesday, August 14
Wednesday, September 24
Wednesday, October 8
Tuesday, November 18
Tuesday, December 30
2025 in-person classes
all on Sundays, 4:00 - 7:30 pm, in Northborough, MA
February 16
March 16
April 13
May 11
June 8
July 13
August 10
September 7
October 12
November 9
December 21
Sign me up! for an online class
Sign me up for an in-person class!
Click here to learn more about our discounted class packages.
Classes will be held LIVE via Zoom.
If you register for a class, you will be sent the link with instructions on how to participate before the class (about 24 hours beforehand).
Because these classes are virtual, please encourage others who are not physically located near Babies in Common in Northborough, MA, to consider registering.
During the online classes, you will be seen by the other participants, particularly when you are asking a question or making a comment (especially during the very brief participant introductions). You are invited to interact but best to stay muted when you aren't asking a question or making a comment. You'll see your instructor as well as occasional slides and videos (and you'll receive all or most of the slides in your online "homework", depending on the class).
After class ends, your instructor will stay on the call for any further questions that weren't answered during class (but questions during class are encouraged!) and you can email your instructor later, too, if you'd like. If you have specific health or history concerns about breastfeeding/lactation/feeding, it may be appropriate for us to schedule a prenatal feeding consultation, which is often reimbursed by health insurance plans. Click here to schedule a Prenatal Feeding Consultation.

About the Instructor

This class is taught by Jeanette Mesite Frem, mother of two full-term nursing children, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant/Registered Lactation Consultant, experienced birth doula, certified childbirth educator, former childbirth educator trainer, public health specialist, certified nursing bra fitter, moms group leader and former owner of a local maternity and parenting center.
If you are interested in this class and have questions, please contact