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Translations of the Flange FITS™ Guide

21 languages of flange fits guide now available

The Flange FITS™ Guide is now available in 24 languages, including English!

Please feel free to share these with your friends and colleagues. If you have questions, please write to (I can use Google Translate to respond). 

If you read English, please sign up for the Guide online, using the purple button below, as any updates to the Guide will be sent to you, as well as any information related to flange fitting and pumping that I think will interest you in the future. You can always unsubscribe, but I hope you don't...I promise you won't get too many emails and when you do, it'll be information I think you'll appreciate.

For the English version of the Guide, CLICK HERE

Jeanette Mesite Frem, MHS, IBCLC, RLC, CCE
International Board Certified Lactation Consultant
Babies in Common

To learn about our NEW Flange Fitting for Pumping Milk: a New Approach online/on-demand course for professionals who work with pumping people (1.5 CERPs), CLICK HERE

To learn about our Pump & Bottle Ready online/on-demand course for those who are pumping/plan to pump, CLICK HERE

To learn about our Pumping & Feeding Gear for IBCLCs online/on-demand course for IBCLCs (4 CERPs with an opportunity for 6 additional CERPs), CLICK HERE

To learn about our live and interactive Pumping & Bottlefeeding for Perinatal Professionals workshop, CLICK HERE

to learn about our Flange FITS™ Badge Buddy, click here

If you found this helpful, please send an email and let us know!