Meeting people is important. And when we have babies, connecting with other parents is vital. Community is vital for us to be connected, learn, share, support and feel supported. We all need support with new babies and older nurslings--talking with others and getting ideas, suggestions, help, a caring ear--it's all important for our mental health, really.
Unfortunately, Babies in Common groups are on currently on hold. Stay tuned for special events!

Breastmilk & Conversation
Breastmilk & Conversation is a fun and informative group (pre-registration is required) where those who are breastfeeding, pumping, chestfeeding (or those who are expecting to in the near future) always leave feeling more informed and encouraged. Learn what’s normal, discover how amazing you and your baby are and how easy breastfeeding and pumping can be. However, while nursing is "natural", sometimes it’s not so easy. Pumping has its benefits and challenges, too. Get suggestions and new ideas from the others in the group as well as the group facilitator. If you want to pump during group, feel free. If you need to give your baby a bottle or use another feeding device, please do. If you need/want to feed your baby formula, please do. No nursing covers are needed but if you feel more comfortable with one, feel free!
Other topics we can discuss during group: making nursing more comfortable, doing skin-to-skin, pumping, hand-expression, increasing supply, dealing with oversupply, poop (you know you want to talk about it!), introducing an occasional bottle, introducing food, soothing babies, talking with care providers about your baby, finding more sleep, and so much more!
Whether you need help or are there to give help, you’ll enjoy getting to know others with babies. And you are welcome to wear pajamas and no showering needed! Advance registration required.
Group Fees
- $10 for those with regular insurance (some insurances will reimburse for group attendance)
- $5 for MassHealth members, use the code GROUPMASSHEALTH at registration and send a photo f your card to
- $0 (free) for WIC members, use the code GROUPWIC at registration and send a photo of your card(s) to
There are no groups scheduled at this time.
Is your baby older and moving around? Consider attending the More Milk Mamas group, which is for older, mobile babies who are eating food (or those who are considering it!). See below for more information on that group.
More Milk Mamas
More Milk Mamas is a group for nurslings 5 months or older (including toddlers and preschoolers) and their breastfeeding/pumping parent. We talk about nursing an older baby/toddler/preschooler, introducing food or continuing nursing/pumping when your child is eating food, too...we talk about pumping, teething, sleep, development, daycare and so much more. Keep in mind that you are ALSO welcome at the Breastmilk & Conversation group if your child isn't yet walking or crawling away from you, but many parents enjoy having group for the older babies and toddlers that they can attend for months or years as they continue nursing! Advance registration required.
Group Fees
- $10 for those with regular insurance (some insurances will reimburse for group attendance)
- $5 for MassHealth members, use the code GROUPMASSHEALTH at registration and send a photo f your card to
- $0 (free) for WIC members, use the code GROUPWIC at registration and send a photo of your card(s) to
MMM groups meet at either 10:00 am or 1:00 pm one Saturday per month, to meet the needs of various nap times, so note the time that the group is meeting before you register!
To see group dates, either click on the purple button below or see our Calendar
Combo Groups
Sometimes it makes the most sense to have both groups at the same time (instead of no group). Plus it's a great mix of people with babies and kids of varied ages and everyone either learns from someone or feels like they are supporting someone else!
We'll talk about nursing, pumping, chestfeeding, bottlefeeding, teething, solid foods, sleep, relationships, life as a parent and so much more!
Advance registration required.
Group Fees:
- $10 for those with regular insurance (some insurances will reimburse for group attendance)
- $5 for MassHealth members, use the code GROUPMASSHEALTH at registration and send a photo f your card to
- $0 (free) for WIC members, use the code GROUPWIC at registration and send a photo of your card(s) to
There are no groups scheduled at this time.
We often talk about hand expression and breast massage in the groups. CLICK HERE to see videos that will help, including YouTube videos put in a channel just for breastfeeding/pumping folks.
Additionally, AFTER you attend group, there's a special Facebook group for those who have come to group, ask about it at group when you attend. It's a Facebook group full of warm and caring folks and there's engagement daily to post questions, joys and challenges related to nursing, pumping and parenting. If you have been to group (or to a More Milk Mamas group), please click here to request to join the Facebook group Human Milk & Conversation.
HOWEVER, if you CAN'T get to the groups here but would like to join another Facebook group that Babies in Common's lactation consultant Jeanette Mesite Frem facilitates, click here for the closed group Human Milk in Common. READ THE DESCRIPTION BEFORE YOU JOIN!
Do you need a feeding consultation instead or in addition to group?
Some parents are having no issues with nursing and that's fabulous!! Yay, that's perfect. Then come to group! Others are having a few issues and have some questions. Come to group.
But if your baby isn't gaining weight, your nipples are so sore you've moved to pumping only or most of the time, you are using a nipple shield for every feeding, you dread each feeding due to the pain, your baby cries "all the time" or has been diagnosed with "colic" or "reflux", you've had plugged ducts or mastitis more than once? You probably need a feeding consultation. Click here to find out more.
Questions about group? Fastest way to get an answer is to TEXT Jeanette at 617-686-0052 or email