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Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

For our main legal Terms and Conditions, click here.


Babies in Common does not give legal or healthcare advice. Nothing on Babies in Common’s website, social media accounts, videocast, show, podcast, blog or provided in their classes or in their materials should be taken as advice about your personal situation or healthcare decisions. If you need legal or healthcare advice or information, seek out a suitably qualified health professional to practice where you live. By listening to the Babies in Common podcast/videocast/show or reading the Babies in Common Blog, or participating in any Babies in Common groups or classes, you agree not to use information heard/seen as medical advice to treat any medical condition in either yourself or others, including but not limited to patients that you are treating if you are a healthcare professional. Consult your own obstetrician, gynecologist, midwife, pediatrician, family doctor or other qualified healthcare professional for any medical issues that you may be having. This entire disclaimer also applies to any guests or contributors to the podcast, videocast, show, blog, classes, groups or social media accounts. Under no circumstances shall Babies in Common, Breath After Breath LLC, Jeanette Mesite Frem, Melissa Anne DuBois or any guests or contributors to the podcast/videocast/show, blog groups or classes, or any employees, associates, or affiliates of Breath After Breath LLC be responsible for damages arising from use of the podcast/videocast/show, website/social media accounts or blog.


The Babies in Common blog, website/social media accounts, classes and groups and podcast/videocast/show should not be used in any legal capacity whatsoever, including but not limited to establishing “standard of care” in a legal sense or as a basis for expert witness testimony. No guarantee is given regarding the accuracy of any statements or opinions made on the podcast or blog.


The Babies in Common blog, website/social media accounts, podcast/videocast/show and classes/groups include the personal opinions of the hosts (Jeanette Mesite Frem & Melissa Anne DuBois) and guests and do not ever represent the views or opinions of the any public or private organization, hospital, birth center or medical establishment that any of the hosts or guests are currently employed by, have been employed by or will be employed by in the future.


This website/social media accounts, blog, podcast/videocast/show and classes/groups are all HIPPA compliant. Any clinical scenarios discussed in the podcast/videocast/show or written about on the blog/website/social media accounts or classes/groups are discussed in general terms, without identifying information of any sort and are often a compilation of multiple clinical experiences over multiple years or are reflective of common clinical experiences. Any resemblance to your personal medical situation/history is purely coincidental. While you may give your email address to subscribe to the Babies in Common email list, or to have access to class materials or the website or participate in Babies in Common social media accounts, blog posts or attend classes or groups, Babies in Common will never share your email address or contact information with any third parties without your explicit permission.


At the present time, the Babies in Common as a company, its blog, its website and social media accounts, its classes and groups and its podcast/videocast/show do not accept any advertising money. If this changes, this will be spelled out directly via a post to the blog/website/social media accounts and the podcast/videocast/show. The hosts of the podcast/videocast/show have no financial conflicts of interest.


The contents of the Babies in Common Website/social media accounts, Babies in Common Blog, Babies in Common Podcast/Videocast/Show, Babies in Common class materials and curriculum and the Babies in Common show notes are all copyrighted, Breath After Breath LLC. All blog posts, podcasts/videocasts/shows, and show notes that are distributed to the public for free can be re-distributed via hard copy or electronic copy for free ONLY if “Babies in Common” and our website/social media accounts are included as the acknowledged author within the actual media that is re-distributed.

For questions, please contact the owner of Babies in Common, Jeanette Mesite Frem. or 617-686-0052.