Who Should Attend?
- Anyone who plans to pump milk
- Anyone who plans to support someone who is pumping milk
- Anyone who plans to feed a baby a bottle
What is Pump & Bottle Ready?
It's a course for expectant parents and parents (and their supporters).
If you are expecting a baby or have a baby (or more than one!), you've already heard about different pumps, flanges, bottles and other feeding products. You've undoubtedly also heard different things about pumping, increasing milk supply, storing and preparing milk, bottlefeeding and even about going back to work. Which advice is factual? What recommendations have changed over the years? Which products are helpful and which ones might not be?
This course is taught by Jeanette Mesite Frem of Babies in Common, who is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) experienced in doing flange fitting, pumping and bottlefeeding sessions with many milk-making (and non-milk-making) parents as well as using and recommending various feeding and lactation gear. Take this course and allow her to pass on her knowledge you!
Taking this course will help you find pumping and feeding your baby more comfortable AND you might make more milk AND save some money by NOT buying more gadgets you don't need! Sound good?!? I bet!
If you are a perinatal professional and are looking for additional information about how to help your clients with pumping and bottlefeeding, there's a special workshop for you, Pumping & Bottlefeeding for Perinatal Professionals!
Key Details
On-demand: whenever you want to watch/read for 90 days after you purchase it.
$44.00 per person for the on-demand course
Buy the on-demand course now~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You are also encouraged to take our prenatal Breastfeeding Ready course (which is a live, interactive group class via Zoom). Learn more by clicking here.
What Will be Presented and Discussed
- basics of breast anatomy and hormones and why knowing them is helpful for pumping
- choosing a pump (or a second one)
- when to pump, how long to pump and what the buttons do
- flange sizes and what you need to know
- practical pumping tips (and gear) to make pumping more pleasurable and easier
- making more milk (the basics and when professional help should be called in)
- milk storage options (and every registrant gets a human milk storage guidelines magnet mailed to them as a bonus!)
- defrosting milk
- special concerns (pumping and dumping, high lipase, the hindmilk/foremilk debate, the shake/swirl debate, combo feeding with formula and human milk)
- differences between bottles, bottle nipple shapes and material and flow rates
- how to feed a baby a bottle (and what about burping? how much milk? bags? bottles? frozen?)
- easy ways to fit pumping into your day (at home and when working)
- using hands as gear: learning more about hand expression and why it's actually an important skill
- how the law protects pumping time at work
- fears of supply reduction after going back to work and how to prevent that from happening
- mixing pumping and breastfeeding/chestfeeding
- weaning from pumping
- and any questions YOU have may be written in the Discussion section of each lesson OR you can email the instructor privately at jeanette@babiesincommon.com

About Your Instructor
Jeanette Mesite Frem, MHS, IBCLC, RLC, CCE, SBCPE is an experienced childbirth educator, IBCLC-lactation consultant and retired birth doula. She started her career working with families while serving as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Côte d'Ivoire, West Africa in the early 90s. She loved that work so much she went on to receive a public health masters degree from Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, focusing her studies on nutrition for maternal and child health. Her two children were breastfed for more than 2 years each and Jeanette has experience pumping at work for both children and has supported more than a thousand families with breastfeeding, bottlefeeding and pumping over the years.
Jeanette provides prenatal childbirth and breastfeeding classes at her office in Northborough, Massachusetts, as well as provide lactation consultations virtually and in her office. She also also enjoys leading workshops for perinatal health professionals and mentoring those who work with families. She has led workshops and spoken at conferences (internationally, at least 26 countries as far as she knows) about flange fitting and pumping and bottlefeeding for over 11,000 IBCLCs and lactation professionals!
"I have attended many of Jeanette's classes, the first of which was a breastfeeding class for health professionals. I was extremely impressed by her professionalism, humor, approachability, and breadth of knowledge. She is smart and up-to-date on scientific evidence, and she delivers extensive depth of information in a limited amount of time. I felt confident supporting families in feeding their babies after completing her awesome workshop! I highly recommend her classes for health professionals who care about evidence-based support for hungry babies!"
~ Nikki Chamoy, MD, MBA, Certified Childbirth Educator